The Beginning of the Georgian Parliamentarianism: Bibliographycal Analysis

  • Sandro Tabatadze


The paper aims to review articles published in the journal “Georgian Parliamentarism” and identify those articles' thematic priorities. Such articles are essential as they try to summarize academic literature that makes fertile ground for further bibliographic analysis.


• Gogolishvili, O. (2023). Constituent Assembly on South-West Georgia. ქართული პარლამენტარიზმი/The Georgian Parliamentarism, 4.
• Iakobashvili, I. (2020). Discussion of the Issue of Taking Credit from the Foreign Trade Bank of Britain in the Constituent Assembly of Georgia. ქართული პარლამენტარიზმი/The Georgian Parliamentarism, 4(2).
• Janelidze, O. (2023). Factions of the Parliamentary Opposition in the Constituent Assembly of Georgia. ქართული პარლამენტარიზმი/The Georgian Parliamentarism, 4.
• Manvelidze, I., & Phartenadze, G. (2023). Muslim Georgia Majlis and Constituent Assembly. ქართული პარლამენტარიზმი/The Georgian Parliamentarism, 4.
• Matsaberidze, M., & Janelidze, O. (2020). The Consistuent Assembly of Georgia and Issues of Russian-Georgian Relations (April-May 1920). ქართული პარლამენტარიზმი/The Georgian Parliamentarism, 1(1).
• Matsaberidze, M. (2020). Definition of Authority of the Head of the Government in the 1921 Constitution of Georgia. ქართული პარლამენტარიზმი/The Georgian Parliamentarism, 4(2).
• Matsaberidze, M. (2021). The Act of Independence of May 26, 1921–The Foundation of the 1921 Constitution of Georgia. ქართული პარლამენტარიზმი/The Georgian Parliamentarism, 3(5).
• Matsaberidze, M. (2021). The 1921 in the History of the Georgian Constitutionalism. ქართული პარლამენტარიზმი/The Georgian Parliamentarism, 3(5).
• Matsaberidze, M. (2022). The Final Sessions of the Constituent Assembly im Batumi. ქართული პარლამენტარიზმი/The Georgian Parliamentarism, 4.
• Matsaberidze, M. (2023). The Constituent Assembly of Georgia and the Formation of the New Memory Politics. ქართული პარლამენტარიზმი/The Georgian Parliamentarism, 4.
• Matsaberidze, M., & Orjonikidze, T. REPRESENTATIVES OF NATIONAL MINORITIES IN THE CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY OF GEORGIA (1919-1921) ეროვნული უმცირესობების წარმომადგენლები საქართველოს დამფუძნებელ კრებაში (1919-1921)
• Orjonikidze, T. (2020). Women in the Constituent Assembly of Georgia (1919-1921). ქართული პარლამენტარიზმი/The Georgian Parliamentarism, 4.
• Orjonikidze, T. (2023). The Deputies of the Constituent Assembly who Stayed in Georgia: The First Repressions. ქართული პარლამენტარიზმი/The Georgian Parliamentarism, 4.
• Surguladze, P. (2023). Constituent Assembly of Georgia and the Paris Peace Conference. ქართული პარლამენტარიზმი/The Georgian Parliamentarism, 4.
• Surguladze, P. (2020). The Birth of the Parliament of Democratic Republic of Georgia. ქართული პარლამენტარიზმი/The Georgian Parliamentarism, 1(1).
• Tabatadze, S. (2022). Studying far right in Georgia: trends from academic literature. Politics/პოლიტიკა.
• Zedginidze, N. (2020). Elaborating the Parliamentary Code of Ethnic: The Experience of the Constituent Assembly of Georgia (1919-1921). ქართული პარლამენტარიზმი/The Georgian Parliamentarism, 4(2).
• Zedginidze, N. (2023). On the Incompatibility of Membership of the Constituent Assembly and Civil Servants and Immunity of Deputies. ქართული პარლამენტარიზმი/The Georgian Parliamentarism, 4.
How to Cite
TABATADZE, Sandro. The Beginning of the Georgian Parliamentarianism: Bibliographycal Analysis. ქართული პარლამენტარიზმი / The Georgian Parliamentarism, [S.l.], nov. 2023. ISSN ISSN 2667– 92. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.