The Constituent Assembly of Georgia in the Georgian Printed Media

  • Irma Gabinashvili


The founding assembly left a great mark on the time perspective of the idea of progressive development of Georgia. The period of the first independent republic, which is considered the basis of the modern Georgian state, was remembered by history, primarily by the legislature - the "Founders' Assembly", both by its preparation and by its unique provision, by the work carried out by the election commission and feedback from the forces involved in the process. In spite of the economic problems and foreign political crisis in the country during this period, it was possible to hold one of the most democratic elections in the world, organized to fill the highest legislature of the country. However, this process was preceded by quite heated discussions between different groups of the society, who had different ideas about the prospects of the country's development.
This era is special for the history of Georgian journalism. In the printed editions published at that time: newspapers "Georgia", "People's Affairs", "Alion", “Unity", "Our Country", " Homeland" and the magazine "Our Nation", the idea of Georgia's independence and the resonant accents formed in connection with the activities of the founding assembly are clearly visible. We will review these trends in the wake of the journalistic thought of the famous Georgian writer Niko Lortkifanidze, who very interestingly depicted the most difficult process of instilling national consciousness and dignity in this most important period for the country.

Author Biography

Irma Gabinashvili
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University
How to Cite
GABINASHVILI, Irma. The Constituent Assembly of Georgia in the Georgian Printed Media. ქართული პარლამენტარიზმი / The Georgian Parliamentarism, [S.l.], nov. 2023. ISSN ISSN 2667– 92. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 sep. 2024.